How to Set Ratio Potential Transformer (PT) on Multifunction Power Meter Acuvim-L

Electrical Instrument - Multifunction Power Meter is a measuring instrument that can measure the amount of electricity integrated from several components of the measuring instrument into a single unit that has been used in the measuring instrument, namely the power meter. 

In other words, in one tool this can already be used to measure various types of electricity quantities including current, voltage, power, power factor, frequency etc., rail time in monitoring.

This article I made because I was looking at the voltage readera on the multifunction power meter there is a road that the reading reaches 22.5Kv even though the voltage is 20.4 Kv.

My first analysis is to see the Potential Transformer (PT) ratio installed on the panel, before I will turn off the voltage on the panel and secure it with grounding so that the remaining voltage on the busbar is lost and safe for us to check and see the name plate or potential transformer ratio on the panel.

After checking the Specification or Ratio Potential Transformer installed, namely:

Primary : 20,000volt, Scondary: 110 volts

Next we will see the Ratio that has been set on the Multifunction Power Meter, in the following way:

Press the "H" button with the "V/A" button at the same time, such as the example of the image below until blingking appears metering / Demand / Max / Min / Setting, please select the writing "Settings" how is to click the "P" button to choose it. If you have selected the words "Settings" please press the "V/A" button for Enter.

Next we have entered the settings menu, then please select "-SYS" as shown below, the way is to press the "p" or "E" button, if you have selected "-SYS" please press the "V /A" button for Enter.

Next we will set the ratio of PT, the image display below is the value of the secondary PT setting which is 100volt, we will change it to 110 volts in accordance with the name plate
ratio of PT that has been installed.

The trick is to press the option button that can use the "P" or "E" button until you meet the PT2 display as shown below.

How to change 100 table in 110 is as follows, please "V / A" button as Enter, if it is blingking please change the value by using the "P" button to reduce, the "E" button to add, the "H" button to swipe, the "V /A" button for Enter.

We are currently done to change the setting value of the multifunction power meter. Next we will return to metering, in the following way:

Press the "H" button with the "V /A" button simultaneously for a moment, the beginning of entering the settings menu until blingking appears metering / Demand / Max / Min / Setting, please select the writing "Metering" how is to click the button "P" or "E" to choose. If you have selected the words "Metering" please press the "V/A" button for Enter.

It will then appear as Metering as shown below:

From the metering display above, it has read 20.4 kV and the reading is correct.

Thus the article that I can share, hopefully the article on How to Set Ratio Potential Transformer (PT) on Multifunction Power Meter Acuvim-L is useful for all of us.

If you have any questions about the article above, please leave your comment below the post, and if it is personal, please contact us via the contact page.

Greetings to success,
Mas Lubis

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